Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's another storey

The second storey was going up during the week. The builders were onsite working hard to get the it done.
This picture from the front of the house also shows some of the trusses also being sized up.

By the weekend the second storey was mostly completed and the trusses were up.

The main roof trusses are all up. Some of the other smaller roofs on the ground floor and the garage need their trusses to be put up.

Also the beams for the verandah have been put up with some basic support to hold the beams up. There is also a lot of scrap timber around as a result of the frames and trusses being built onsite.

I shimmied up through the stairwell (no stairs yet) to get a look at the second storey. So here's a picture of the second storey. Angela wasn't too happy that I did it, thinking I might fall.

This is from the front - the master bedroom - looking down the corridor to the back of the house. On the left you can see the hole where the stairs will be and I climbed up through.

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